Are you looking for a new job and have landed with us?
Then you've come to the right place! We are currently looking for new employees for our company in Kaiserslautern.
You can find out which positions are currently open at Jobs.

With us the Application process very simple, you just have to use our Form and we will do the rest. You don't need a CV or any other documents. The best way to find out whether we are a good match and whether you are suitable for the job is to talk to us.

You can see the individual steps of the process in the following graphic. We have explained below how to get started with us using the form. If anything is still unclear, simply use our Contact form or call us directly.

We look forward to getting to know you!

Jobs in Kaiserslautern | Online Application


Fill out the application form and send it off!

Omega Apartments - Contact


We will get in touch with you!

Omega Apartments - Interview

Job interview

Get to know our management personally!

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern

1st day at work

Start your new job with motivation!



Our application form is divided into 3 steps. All you have to do is enter your details and tick which job you are interested in. If you can indicate your skills and previous experience, all the better! This will increase your chances of being contacted by us!

If there are no vacancies at the moment, you will be placed on a waiting list and we will contact you as soon as a vacancy becomes available.



Not sure which employment relationship is right for you?
In the following, we explain in more detail what the various options at our company mean.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Part Time


Your working hours will be 20 hours per week and you will be working part-time with us, subject to social security contributions.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Minijob


You work with us as a temporary employee on a €520 basis, for 10 hours a week or less.

Ideal as a supplement to a main job.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Internship


With us, you can get to know everyday working life and complete an internship for a few weeks.

Ideal for students and pupils.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Part Time


Your working hours will be 20 hours per week and you will be working part-time with us, subject to social security contributions.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Minijob


You work with us as a temporary employee on a €520 basis, for 10 hours a week or less.

Ideal as a supplement to a main job.

Omega Apartments - Jobs in Kaiserslautern - Internship


With us, you can get to know everyday working life and complete an internship for a few weeks.

Ideal for students and pupils.



Are you not looking for a new job after all or have you strayed onto this page? No problem!
We will be happy to help you. Here is a selection of possible pages that may be of interest to you.

Omega Apartments - Contact

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions for us?
Then please contact us personally or use our Contact form!

Omega Apartments - Book room

Room request

Whether a short stay or a medium to long-term tenancy. When it comes to accommodation, you've come to the right place.


Are you curious about what it looks like with us?
Then the gallery is just right for you!

Omega Apartments - Contact

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions for us?
Then please contact us personally or use our Contact form!

Omega Apartments - Book room

Room request

Whether a short stay or a medium to long-term tenancy. When it comes to accommodation, you've come to the right place.


Are you curious about what it looks like with us?
Then the gallery is just right for you!

Omega Apartments - Contact

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions for us?
Then please contact us personally or use our Contact form!

Omega Apartments - Book room

Room request

Whether a short stay or a medium to long-term tenancy. When it comes to accommodation, you've come to the right place.


Are you curious about what it looks like with us?
Then the gallery is just right for you!